“Practically none of the housing built since 2015 is carbon neutral.”
“A new Future Homes Task Force has been set-up to ensure housebuilding is aligned to the UK’s net-zero target.”
All sort of aspirations have been voiced to ‘green up’ housing:
Local Plans, housing and carbon commitments – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Green housing – Vision Group for Sidmouth
However, not much has been delivered since 2015:
796,710 new dwellings have been built since then, according to official figures – practically none of them net zero and all expected to last well beyond when the whole economy must hit net zero.
Almost 800,000 fewer homes made zero-carbon due to Tory planning deregulation | The Independent
Further aspirations have just been announced, with one of the major house builders funding research by the University of Exeter:
“A new Future Homes Task Force has been set-up to ensure housebuilding is aligned to the UK’s net-zero target,” Graham Prothero, chief operating officer at Vestry, said. “Meeting the ambitions set out by the task force requires a new approach and cross-sector collaboration.”
Housebuilder funds climate study into future of home construction | exeter.ac.uk
Exeter University investigating how housebuilding affects climate – Radio Exe
Vistry funds University of Exeter study into climate change effect on construction – Business Live
Meanwhile, a University colleague doubts the validity of much of the ‘net zero’ agenda:
“The idea of net zero carbon is a dangerous trap” – this is greenwashing – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Indeed, the housing industry is making quite a thing about going ‘carbon neutral’:
Future Homes Task Force announces new delivery plan to meet environmental goals
However, whereas the target date had been 2016, it’s now going to be a decade later:
Sector-wide plan to build net zero homes by 2025 | News | Housing Today
But it’s not just central government and the housing industry not really living up to such aspirations:
Council policies ‘inconsistent’ with climate goals – BBC News
There are specific inputs going into the debate, including some quite radical:
New Concrete With 40% Less Carbon Can Help You Hit Net Zero Targets
‘Stop building houses’ – public response to climate crisis | Watford Observer