“We need more woodland in Britain.”
A step-by-step ‘reforesting’ toolkit has been launched to guide everyone wishing to plant trees in Devon. The launch of the ‘Right Place, Right Tree’ guide coincides with National Tree Week, running until Sunday, December 5.
The Sidmouth Arboretum is always busy with all sorts of tree-planing activities – as well as spreading the good news about trees:
And this week is Tree Week – with some excellent pieces in the local press.
Here’s Steve Jones writing in the Herald – and talking about woodland:
If you would be perfect, go out and plant a woodland. Woodlands are trees but much more than trees. To put a complicated story into a few words, trees use carbon dioxide and sunshine to make leaves. Insects eat the leaves, birds and animals eat the insects, dead leaves and creatures fall to the ground and are consumed by fungi and bacteria to make living soil that feeds the trees and helps seeds grow that become new trees using carbon dioxide and sunshine to make leaves and so on and on. It will take 30 years for new trees to develop into a working woodland but 400 years before the full richness of life has developed. This is ancient woodland, about 7% of Britain is covered by native woodland, only 3% is covered by ancient woodland. Carbon is stored in the wood of the trees, in the soil and in the bodies of all the creatures living in the woodland. We need more woodland in Britain.
Planting trees is a story of the good, the bad and the perfect | sidmouthherald.co.uk
And here’s Tim Dixson showing us where to go for the right information:

A step-by-step ‘reforesting’ toolkit has been launched to guide everyone wishing to plant trees in Devon. The launch of the ‘Right Place, Right Tree’ guide coincides with National Tree Week, running until Sunday, December 5.
Where and how to plant a tree: do your bit for the planet | sidmouthherald.co.uk
Here’s that guide from the Devon Local Nature Partnership:
Right Place Right Tree | devonlng.org.uk
With a webinar coming up later this week:
The Benefits of Trees webinar | eventbrite.co.uk
And finally, a load of information on Tree Week from the Tree Council: