Meeting to consider sites for new homes this Tuesday.
Woolbrook proposal: “Located entirely within East Devon AONB… Overall, the site has a high / medium landscape sensitivity to new development.”
Last December, the District Council published its outline plans for new housing – including:
Sidmouth – approx. 196 homes comprising a large allocation west of Woolbrook Road and a series of smaller scale allocations to the north and west of the town.
With the site assessment here:
3c Site Assessment Principle and Main Centres.pdf
This, along with other proposed allocations for Sidmouth, will be considered at a meeting this Tuesday:
With the full document here:
Appendix 2 – Sidmouth Amended Version.pdf
The largest site selection is indeed “Land south west of Woolbrook Road, Sidmouth”
Here is a map of the proposed site – plus a couple of highlights:
Infrastructure implications: Needs provision of continuous footway and improved pedestrain crossing facility of A3052… Need for safe walking routes.
Landscape sensitivity: Located entirely within East Devon AONB… Overall, the site has a high / medium landscape sensitivity to new development.
Ecological impact – summary of findings: Site is a greenfield arable site with mature hedgerows and trees and includes an unmanaged area of woodland to the north. The site includes an unconfirmed wildlife site and nature recovery network area. Site is within both the Beer Quarry and Caves SAC bat consultation zone and the East Devon Pebblebed Heaths SAC HRA mitigation zone. Overall, Significant moderate adverse effect predicted.
Should the site be allocated? Yes
Appendix 2 – Sidmouth.pdf (the original, not the amended, version)
Finally, with more on housing:
Draft Local Plan proposes new housing – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Draft Local Plan proposed zero-carbon housing – Vision Group for Sidmouth
East Devon Local Plan consultation: homes – Vision Group for Sidmouth
East Devon Local Plan consultation: VGS submission – Vision Group for Sidmouth