“Climate-friendly cities, flight-free travel, and the chance to win a free copy of Alice’s new book.”
The group ‘Possible’ “wants to see a zero carbon society, built by and for the people of the UK, and we want to see this fast.”
This is their latest newsletter.
The latest from |
What we’re up to |
Promoting cities fit for the 21st century |
From Hirra on LBC to Sandra on BBC West Midlands, the Car Free Cities team have been getting more people thinking about bold changes we need to see to cities across the UK. Meanwhile, Emma and Duncan have been thinking globally. Working with our partners in New York and Paris, they’ve pulled together key info to create a ‘data dashboard’ so that we can easily see how each of these three major cities are doing in the transition to a cleaner future. |
Getting the government to take flight emissions seriously |
Since the UK government introduced carbon budgets 13 years ago, they’ve refused to include the hefty chunk of emissions that come from international flights. So we teamed up with Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and others to urge the government to start acknowledging aviation emissions in its calculations. And they listened – for the first time ever, the UK government is including international flights in the carbon budget! |
… and telling them what needs to be done |
Now that they’re taking aviation emissions seriously, will they do what’s needed to help the people of Britain ditch flying? Ali’s new report found that two thirds of us are ready to reduce flying – but the cost of low carbon alternatives is holding us back. We’re calling for investment in the UK’s international train links and an end to tax breaks which make aviation artificially cheap.

What you can do |
Get involved with our citizen science project |
Do you know anyone in Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds or London who’s a good listener and could spare a couple of hours to volunteer next month? The Car Free Cities team is keen to learn how people living in areas with old traffic reduction schemes in place feel about their streets – so we’re looking for volunteer community listeners to help us find out. |
Spread the word about Climate Perks |
With lockdown easing, and life edging ever-closer to normal, people across the country are starting to plan holidays overseas. Will you help us spread the word about Climate Perks? In the last few weeks, we’ve had two more employers join our scheme to help staff choose flight-free holidays by giving them the extra time off work to take the train instead. We can support you, or anyone you know, to encourage your employer to get involved. |
Support for community-owned renewable energy projects |
Each year, the UK parliament picks 20 MPs at random and gives them the chance to introduce a bill of their choosing to parliament. The bills that are introduced have a chance of becoming law. This year’s 20 MPs have just been chosen, and we want them to push for the Local Electricity Bill – which would be a game changer for small scale renewable energy projects. Will you help us persuade one of the chosen MPs to back the Local Electricity Bill? Our friends at Power for People have written a draft email you can use so it’ll just take two minutes. |
Win a free copy of Alice’s new book |
Possible co-director Dr Alice Bell has written another book, Our Biggest Experiment: A History of the Climate Crisis. The publishers have given us three copies, and we wanted to give you a chance to win one of them – so we’re doing a prize draw. Alternatively, if you want to preorder a copy directly, you can use the discount code POSSIBLE30 for 30% off. |

A dose of climate hope |
In April, the UK government upped its climate ambition – moving the goalpost forward by 15yrs!
Over the past 20 years, a forest the size of France has re-grown worldwide. |
The windy weather during the early may bank holiday helped windfarms set a new clean energy record. |
High-end restaurants, including Manhattan’s Michelin-starred Eleven Madison Park, are making huge changes to their menus in a bid to be more sustainable. |
Become a Changemaker |
If we’re going to tackle climate change, we need everyone. Become a Changemaker, and make a monthly donation to Possible today.
The change is coming, and it starts with you. |
Possible (formerly 10:10 Climate Action) brings people together to do positive, practical stuff that helps tackle climate change. Our charity registration number is 1157363. |
About us — Possible