“Behaviour change needs to come sooner rather than later.”
Of course, not everyone will be pleased if you suggest less stuff is made (manufacturing), used (construction) or bought & sold (retail).
This video from almost a decade and a half ago looked at these different steps:

And it annoyed several:
Green propaganda continues to spread | Fraser Institute
However, several years on, and it’s clear that we do need to be making/using/buying less stuff.
And today, Tom Heap suggested another way to ‘save the planet’ on Radio 4:
Buy Less Stuff
From clothes to cars and buildings, all our new ‘stuff’ takes energy and resources to produce. If we want to cut down the use of high carbon materials like steel and cement then we need a new attitude. We need to think about sharing more and valuing what we have, we need products that are designed to last longer.
Tom Heap meets Aisling Byrne from clothing app NUW. Concerned about the impact of fast-fashion on the environment, she found that lecturing friends who loved fashion didn’t change their minds or behaviour, so she’s designed a clothes-sharing app for people to put unwanted clothes into new hands and get the excitement of something ‘new’ in return. It can stop the demand for brand new products at the top end and avoid landfill at the other end.
Professor Julian Allwood of Cambridge University expands on how much our desire for bigger and better is impacting on resources and how behaviour change needs to come sooner rather than later.
39 Ways to Save the Planet – Buy Less Stuff – BBC Sounds
We really do need to be thinking about these things.
And we are:
Slow fashion… second-hand fashion… – Vision Group for Sidmouth
New ‘right to repair’ laws – but could they be ‘more ambitious’? – Vision Group for Sidmouth
E-waste: recover, recycle, redistribute and reuse – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Electric cars are not carbon neutral – Vision Group for Sidmouth
RetroFirst: “the greenest building is the one that already exists” – Vision Group for Sidmout