“Potholes are a major danger to cyclists throughout the UK.” [Cycling UK]
Back in March last year, the VGS’s Sidmouth Cycling Campaign put together a questionnaire – and in particular, this Sid Vale cycling survey revealed a demand for safer routes. The detailed results of the survey showed that ‘safety’ was indeed the greatest concern – and not just when it comes to cyclists competing with cars on congested roads.
The condition of roads in the Sid Valley was again brought up at the last town council meeting on Monday 7th:
Cllr Dodds reported concerns that had been raised at the Environment
Committee that the condition of the roads was dangerous for cyclists and
asked what plans there were for non-actionable holes that didn’t meet the
current criteria to be made safer for all road users including cyclists.
County Cllr Hughes replied that he was endeavouring to obtain some
Instamac filler that could be used by trained local volunteers to fill the
smaller holes that didn’t meet the County Council’s criteria which DCC would
review their criteria for actionable defects.
A particularly tricky spot in the Sid Valley was referred to – one which many ‘weekend cyclists’ but also one which commuters make use of:
Cllr Willis Fleming asked why, when the collapsed road at Stevens Cross had
been repaired, had the smaller potholes nearby not also been filled.
County Cllr Hughes replied that unfortunately only those areas that were part
of a contractor’s order of work could be carried out at any one time.
However, there was a substantial amount of road work planned for the
Sidmouth area in the near future.
Cycling UK suggests how to go about it with their Fill That Hole campaign:

Potholes are a major danger to cyclists throughout the UK. Cycling UK helps get potholes fixed via Fill That Hole, a website which allows users to easily report road defects to the relevant highway authority