The Sidmouth Herald reports
The East Devon Planning website shows
18/1094/MOUT | Outline application accompanied by an Environmental Statement (with scale and appearance reserved) for the change of use of agricultural land to employment land (B1, B8 and D1 uses) to provide 8,445 sqm of new floorspace, new highway access, cycle and footway, improvements to flood attenuation, building layout and road layout, new hedgerow planting and associated infrastructure. | Land East Of Two Bridges Two Bridges Road Sidford
The Planning Application form is here outline planning application, Sidford, 2018
Note that they say the land has stopped being used for agriculture because they have bought it, and that it will remain unused until developed.
Why didn’t they have rent it to get another harvest in this year as no development will start before autumn even if a planning application is granted? This application would have to be followed by a full application.