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Project to improve the quality of paths and roads in Sidmouth

  • by JW

Sidmouth Town Council sets up the Road Wardens Programme to assist Devon County Council with the ongoing issue of potholes and drainage in the Sid Valley


The condition of our roads is not that good to say the least, as new figures show a ‘Pothole scourge’ in Devon. And it’s not just drivers, but cyclists are afraid to ride on Devon’s ‘shockingly bad roads’.

It is the responsibility of the county council of course, and so road users can report a pothole to Devon County Council. The town council has also stepped in – with its environment committee taking the initiative, as the minutes from the last meeting show: Councillor Paul Dodds gave a detailed presentation on assisting Devon County Council with the ongoing issue of Potholes and drainage in the Sid Valley

And at the committee’s next meeting on Monday 13th, the agenda shows how far the initiative has progressed: Councillor Paul Dodds to update the committee on the Working Group set up to monitor and assist DCC via the Road Wardens Programme

With the permission of Cllr Dodds, here are the highlights of the report which he will be delivering next week:

Project to improve the quality of paths and roads in Sidmouth

Progress so far:

Cllr Dodds has visited DCC NOCC (Network Operations Control Centre) to gather further information and discuss possible cooperation to improve the network

Establishment of Sidmouth Streetclean Whats App Group. Members include EDDC Streetscene, Sidmouth Town Councillors and members of the public

They have started to tackle the back log of untidy areas

Cllr Dodds to bicycle the primary routes (Round 2) and report issues

50 potholes have now been fixed – as well as two manhole covers and five blocked drains reported, plus six manually cleared.

Devon County Council highways lead Cllr Stuart Hughes and Cllr Dodds are using social media to alert the public to storm events – eg, the response to Storm Darragh

The issues:

The network is huge: “Holes appear as quickly as we repair them…”

“There are roads that we all recognise as in need of repair, but which do not meet criteria for DCC.” Cllr Dodds to liaise with Town Clerk to push priorities up to DCC.

Triangulation: “DCC is more likely to act if STC, Cllrs and the public all report an issue as a concern.”

Cllrs to alert Cllrs Dodds and Perram to any issues – specifically areas needing tidying, resolving and monitoring.

Photographs of work carried out:

Work done by STC tidying Sidford bridge and Malvern Road repairs carried out by DCC and reported by Cllr Dodds:

Drains unblocked and cleaning of Glen Road by Cllr Dodds:

Tidying of entrance to Manor Road Car park by Cllr Dodds and EDDC:

Tidying of Esplanade:

Priorities to ask DCC to resolve asap? Marked by Crosses.

“Are these our priorities? Please contribute. (Apologies to Sidbury, missed off map – but I don’t think there are any issues on primary roads around Sidbury)”

With thanks to Cllr Dodds and Sidmouth Town Council’s Environment Committee