“A single member of a UK household could use up to 149 litres of water every day.”
“It is estimated that 10% of the water we use in the home is used in the kitchen – so it is a great place to start.”
Believe it or not, this part of the world is going to have issues around its water supply:
The South West is running out of water – Vision Group for Sidmouth
And the water utility company will have to be dealing with this issue – largely through the treatment of sewage:
But there’s also the issue of wasting water – by all parties, including the utilities, individuals and companies.
We can save water – and money – at home – with lots of tips online:
10 Ways to Save Water at Home – EcoWatch
This is from the Mirror today:
To help reduce your bills, you can also focus on reducing the amount of water you waste. It is estimated that 10% of the water we use in the home is used in the kitchen – so it is a great place to start.
Cost of running each kitchen appliance and how to reduce your bills as prices soar – Mirror Online
The Utility Bidder website has just put together a very insightful resource on the environmental damage of water wastage within the UK and worldwide:

With two-thirds of the global population predicted to live in regions of high water stress by 2025, providing an accurate and deep understanding of this issue is critical.
This guide covers everything individuals, homes and businesses need to consider:
- The impact of wastewater on the environment
- Global water waste statistics, with countries, ranked and country-specific case studies
- The most common water-wasting habits
- The entire water process, including production, collection, treatment, and reuse
- How individuals and families can reduce water waste
Here are just some of the insights our research uncovered:
- A single member of a UK household could use up to 149 litres of water every day.
- There are huge disparities in water use across countries. Individuals in the USA use the most water at 373 litres, while people in Mexico use just 5.4 litres per person per day.
Environmental damage of global water waste | Utility Bidder