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Rewilding to counter climate change

  • by JW

“Rewilding, by supporting the dynamic movement and re-establishment of ecological communities, can play a major role in climate adaptation.”


“Britain’s climate zones are shifting by up to five kilometres a year because of rising temperatures – with potentially catastrophic impacts for wildlife”:

Britain’s climate zones shifting 5km a year – nature recovery era needed to avert wildlife catastrophe | Countryman Magazine

British climate zones shifting due to rising temperatures


However, “research by Rewilding Britain suggests that restoring and connecting species-rich wild habitat across 30% of Britain’s land and sea by 2030 could save a fifth of species from climate-driven habitat loss, decline or extinction”:

Global heating threatens UK wildlife’s ability to adapt and survive | Environment | The Guardian


This ties very much in with this evening’s talk from the Devon Wildlife Trust:

online talk: Rewilding Devon – Vision Group for Sidmouth

With Pete Burgess talking again about the issues:

Born to rewild? | Devon Wildlife Trust


Here’s the latest report from Rewilding Britain:



Britain’s climate zones are moving northwards by up to five kilometres a year due to climate heating. 

This shift — hundreds of times faster than the natural climate warming at the end of the last ice age – is set to outpace many species’ ability to adapt and adjust their ranges. For Britain’s wildlife this could be catastrophic.

Our report outlines how rewilding, by supporting the dynamic movement and re-establishment of ecological communities, can play a major role in climate adaptation. It proposes that, by restoring and connecting species-rich habitats across at least 30% of Britain’s land and sea by 2030, we can help save a fifth of species from climate-driven habitat loss, decline or extinction. By doing so we can ensure that Britain is once again teeming with wildlife.

Read the report: Adapting to climate heating report Oct 2020

Rewilding Britain | Adapting to Climate Heating


And here’s more:

Rewilding – East Devon

REWILDING EAST DEVON | | National Trust Sidmouth Centre

Rewilding in Devon – Vision Group for Sidmouth


Which is all part of creating a ‘Nature Recovery Network’:

How East Devon plans to allow wildlife to thrive – Devon Live

Creating a nature recovery network for East Devon – Vision Group for Sidmouth

Creating a nature recovery network for East Devon and the UK – Vision Group for Sidmouth