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Rob Hopkins: ‘From What Is to What If’

  • by JW

The founder of the international Transition Towns movement asks why true creative, positive thinking is in decline, asserts that it’s more important now than ever, and suggests ways our communities can revive and reclaim it…

The From What Is to What If cover


Did you watch the BBC’s ‘Years and Years’? Well, here’s the antidote. What if, over the next 11 years, a previously unimaginable transformation were to take place, sparked by Extinction Rebellion‘s non-violent direct action and by the student strikes, the subsequent election of a government committed to deep transformation, the reorienting of capital and business, the huge mobilisation of communities across the country, the creation of the conditions in which the imagination can flourish? A remarkable time in history when anything felt possible, a time future generations now celebrate in song and story. A time of guts, focus and wild creativity. What would it be like to arrive in that world?

I’d like to invite you to take a walk with me through a day in 2030. ‘From What If to What Is’ will be published by Chelsea Green Publishing on October 17th. This film is the work of the brilliant Emilio Mula, a true artist.



Rob Hopkins