“Now that there does seem to be access, nevertheless, at the time, the owners were claiming the Alexandria Industrial Estate was full.”
“The process whereby the ’employment land’ was allocated at Sidford seems to have been questionable, to say the least.”
“Planning permission was granted (after appeal) for an industrial estate at Sidford, but for very specific uses only. There is now talk of a supermarket or housing being built on the site.”
It’s still on the market – and the notion of housing is mentioned, as well as references to the Alexandria Estate:
Land At 2 Bridges Road, Sidford, Sidmouth, Devon, EX10
Offers Over £4,000,000
Property description
The site is a level site within the BUAB of Sidmouth and is approximately 10.31 acres, it is presently allocated for employment, with an approved application, reference 18/1094/MOUT and subsequent Non-Material Amendment. The permission is for B1, B8 and D1 uses (8,445 sq. metres). All Reserved Matters have been approved, including details of an access that is most likely to be suitable for Residential use. The permission is extant. The developable area of the site is approximately 6.2 acres, and is able to achieve Flood Zone 1. The remainder of the site largely includes the area where works have been completed in accordance with approved details. This completed area amounts to an already implemented flood improvement area that will benefit the wider area, other landscape works, and tree and hedge planting amounting to in excess of 2000 plants.
The owner of the site is a fourth-generation employment land owner of another employment site in Sidmouth. This other site, known as the Alexandria Industrial Estate, is now determined by the owner to be the best location for further employment investment. The proceeds from the sale of land at Sidford will assist employment investment in this alternative location. Consequently, the land at Sidford is now offered as an exciting opportunity to an investor who can quickly engage with the Local Plan Review by making appropriate Representations/Consultation responses and separately make an application.
The picturesque Regency town of Sidmouth has an excellent range of amenities to include…
On a sunny August day I was thinking about easy to fit and operate solar panels installed on the town’s roofs and a community solar and sheep farm on the Sidford fields instead of the industrial estate!