The arguments around whether or not there should be an industrial estate on the outskirts of Sidford are revolving around traffic:
Sidford Business Park > it’s all about the traffic
Meanwhile, the campaign against the proposed development has been giving regular updates on where we are with the case – which is about to be heard by an inspector:
Sidford Business Park > Campaign Update 28
This is the latest just sent out today:
Campaign Update 29
Documents submitted to the Planning Inspector by 17 local residents, this Campaign and Sidford Ward District Councillors Marianne Rixson and Dawn Manley have now been uploaded to the District Council’s planning portal.
Those of you who read the Sidmouth Herald will also have noted its two-page reporting this week on the submissions.
In order to allow you to quickly access the submissions we set out below the links to the various documents –
The planning portal page which allows you to click on each of the latest documents that have been submitted is here –
Application 18/1094/MOUT You will have to put in the application ref.
These two links take you to the two sets of documents that this Campaign has submitted. In addition to various letters from Sidbury Primary school and local residents, there are photographs, links to various traffic videos and you can also read the two consultants reports that we commissioned –
(Links removed as the page has moved, please access from the application link above)
The detailed submission submitted by Sidford Ward District Councillors Marianne Rixson and Dawn Manley can be viewed via this link –
(Links removed as the page has moved, please access from the application link above)
When you open any of these links you may find it is slow in downloading, so you may have to be patient!
You should by now be aware that the Planning Inspector, Luke Fleming, will open the Inquiry on 16 July and he has allowed up to three days for it. The inquiry will be held in the District Council’s new offices in Honiton – Blackdown House, Border Road, Heathpark Industrial Estate Honiton EX14 1EJ.
Members of the public are welcome to attend the Inquiry, and we anticipate that we will be encouraging all those who oppose the proposed Business Park to show their opposition to it prior to the Inquiry opening on 16 July. We will let you have further details about this nearer the time.
We would also encourage members of the public to speak at the Inquiry as you are entitled to do. In order to obtain speaking rights, you just advise the Inspector at the start of the Inquiry. This Campaign will be speaking at it.
Best wishes
Campaign Team
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