Yesterday, news broke via the campaign group:
Sidford Business Park > Campaign Update 34 > BREAKING: Inspector upholds planning appeal
There’s a long thread on the Sidmouth Community Facebook pages:
The Herald has put together several pieces:
Multi-million pound Sidford Business Park plans granted on appeal in landmark ruling
Sidford Business Park plan approved – but what happens now?
Sidford Business Park approval ‘sticks two fingers up’ to residents
Sidford Business Park: Council ‘very disappointed’ at planning inspector’s decision
Devon Live also carries extensive coverage:
Inspector allows appeal for controversial Sidford business park plans
The plans were refused by the council on Highway grounds, but a planning inspector has judged there are significant benefits that outweigh the effects and inconvenience of the increase in HGV traffic in the area
In his report, he concludes that the proposed development would help meet the significant employment needs of the area, the drainage and flood attenuation measures would reduce the risk of surface water flooding elsewhere, and the proposal would also contribute towards a section of the Sidmouth to Sidford Cycle route.
A further application for the detail of the scheme will need to be submitted and approved by East Devon District Council.
Inspector allows appeal for controversial Sidford business park plans
And from Sidmouth Hub news today:
District Council ‘very disappointed’ by Sidford Business Park decision
Cllr Mike Howe, Chairman of East Devon District Council’s Development Management Committee, said: “I am very disappointed that the Planning Inspector feels that it is appropriate to allow a significant element of B8 (Storage and Distribution) uses on the site leading to an increase in HGV’s in the area.
“The other uses proposed for the site would not lead to HGV’s using the roads and this is why the local plan allocation for the site limits the uses that can be accommodated. This decision goes against the Local Plan allocation and imposes the impact of additional HGV’s on the local community when the Council was trying to avoid this.
“It is a great shame that the Inspector did not agree with our concerns. I can only hope that our worst fears are not realised and the predicted accidents do not occur.”
District Council ‘very disappointed’ by Sidford Business Park decision
Why permission has been granted for Sidford Business Park
The bigger picture is that ‘the significant employment needs of the area’ can already be met:
Futures Forum: Sidford business park > Other sites are available