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Sidford Business Park, Update 34 BREAKING: Inspector upholds planning appeal

  • by JW

The Neighbourhood Plan has sought to keep the space between Sidford and Sidbury green:

Protecting the Sidford/Sidbury gap


The group campaigning against the proposed industrial estate has been publishing regular newsletters:

Sidford Business Park > Campaign Update 33

Sidford Business Park > Campaign Update 32



Here is the latest out today:


Campaign Update 34

The Planning Inspector has today published his decision regarding the appeal by Tim and Mike Ford, in the name of OG Holdings Retirement Benefits Scheme, for planning permission to build a Business Park in Sidford.

We are disappointed to inform you that the Planning Inspector has upheld the Fords’ application and therefore the Business Park will now be able to be built. This will be a shock and a huge disappointment to you. Attached is the full decision issued by the Planning Inspector.

However, this matter is not yet fully finished as there will still need to public planning consultations on the detail of the site. Once these are known we will make sure that we draw these to your attention with the anticipation that you will want to comment upon them.

It’s a shame that residents were let down right at the beginning when the County and District Councils didn’t originally challenge or challenge sufficiently to ensure that the site was not included as employment land in the Local Plan. Once that happened it made our fight all the more difficult.

We must thank everyone who in their own way has sought to object to what we are all agreed is still the wrong thing in the wrong place.

Best wishes

Campaign Team

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Here’s the full decision from the Planning Inspectorate:

Appeal Reference: APP/U1105/W/19/3221978: Appeal Decision 3221978

The Planning Inspectorate