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Species shift: climate change and habitat loss

  • by JW

‘How to enhance biodiversity over the next decade’


In collaboration with other groups, the Vision Group is planning to put on an event later in the year looking at what we can do to help biodiversity in the Sid Valley over the next ten years.

Cameraman Simon Vacher is from the Sid Valley and has done some great work locally, for example:

South West coastal change: challenges for Sidmouth

Sidmouth Seafest 2017: celebrating a maritime heritage

As a wildlife cameraman, he has done some wonderful work in the South West and beyond – and this piece was filmed last summer for BBC One’s Inside Out. It looks at how biodiversity is being affected by climate change – and what we can do about it:

BBC One – Inside Out Southwest – Species Shift with Nick Baker |

Inside Out South West |

How swifts will handle climate change and loss of habitat has been covered here:

Futures Forum: Swifts over Exeter >>> “showcasing the potential for urban green spaces to benefit wildlife”

Futures Forum: Campaign to change the law to ensure every new house has ‘Swift bricks’ > encouraging results

Apus apus / Common Swift / Andorinhão-preto | 0566 (CC) attr… | Flickr