East Devon District Council are consulting the public.
“Residents wanting to have their say on how many homes are built and where are being urged to share their views.”
The VGS was founded back in 2005 ‘to commend our vision to the Local Plan’:
About the Vision Group for Sidmouth – Vision Group for Sidmouth
And over the subsequent years, a lot of input was put together in the various ‘consultations’:
Futures Forum: Search results for local plan
You searched for local plan – Vision Group for Sidmouth
For example:
2015 Vision Group comment on draft Local Plan – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Now, following the collapse of the infamous GESP, the District Council wants to set out on updating its own, current Local Plan:
In fact, it wants to do more than that: it wants to create a brand new Local Plan – even though, as a commentator points out, “Ours was supposed to run until 2033, and when we made all those allocations back in 2016, they were supposed to be sufficient for that period…”.
The council’s just-released “Issues and Options Consultation January 2021” document makes things clear:
Why we need a new local plan
We have an existing local plan that was adopted in January 2016, however it is now becoming dated. The new local plan will supersede the existing East Devon Local Plan and the East Devon Villages Plan
And their webpages give more information:
East Devon District Council are consulting the public on an Issues and Options report, which forms the first stage of preparing the new East Devon Local Plan (2021-2040) and sets out differing options and approaches that the plan could take.
Plan document, Have your say on future developments in East Devon Local Plan consultation
Today’s press release is about the public consultation:
The consultation can be viewed on-line at: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/2c878e2028554dd4b5508cbe335fda1a?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery and comments can be made through an online form.
The feedback we receive to this initial consultation will be used to help inform and refine our thinking as the local plan is progressed.
We have set ourselves a challenging but exciting programme to produce the local plan.
In just over a years’ time we hope to have a draft plan with lots more detail in it that we will invite comment on, then in late 2023 and into 2024 we will move to a final version of the plan informed by the comments we receive that will then be subject to an examination in public by a Government appointed planning inspector.
Alongside the local plan consultation we are also offering the opportunity, through a ‘call for sites’, for people to identify land areas that they think would be suitable for development. We will look at the sites submitted and will choose from them a list of those that we think should feature in the local plan as future land for development. As part of future consultation there will be the opportunity for people to comment on favoured site choices.