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Survey the Sid Valley’s pollinators

  • by JW

Can you do a 10-minute bug-spot?

“It’s very easy, on a warm sunny day stand or sit by some flowers for ten minutes and count how many insects land.”


The Sid Valley Biodiversity Group has conducted surveys on butterflies, grasshoppers and hedges:

Sid Valley Biodiversity Group: projects in the press – Vision Group for Sidmouth


We also need to be looking after our bees and insects:

Where are we now, and what are the next steps for nature? – Vision Group for Sidmouth


And so the Biodiversity Group has initiated a late summer survey for pollinators, as covered in the Herald:


Sidmouth and Ottery breaking news and sport – Sidmouth Herald


Here’s a helpful bit of advice from Group member Ed Dolphin:


For those who didn’t see this week’s Herald we need people to look out for insects. It’s very easy, on a warm sunny day (hopefully plenty of those still to come this month) stand or sit by some flowers for ten minutes and count how many insects land. We need as many counts as we can get, and then we will be tracking changes each month. You can post your count on here, or send it to

Please, also include the date and time of day, where you were and what the flowers were. Any flowers will do, wild or cultivated. If you can add if the insects were bumble bees, bees, hover flies, beetles, etc. that will be brilliant. You can do as many counts as you like, we can’t have too many. Happy bug counting.

For those who didn’t see this week’s… – Sid Valley Biodiversity | Facebook