“Keep spreading the word and encouraging donations as we still have a long way to go to cover construction costs.”
Nub News carries a full report on a new project literally gaining ground:
Project launched to build beach ramp, costing up to £50k, on Sidmouth beach
An exciting new project has been launched to design and build an access ramp at Chit Rocks in Sidmouth.
Town resident Dave Rafferty, who is organising the project, said he experienced first hand, as a grandparent, the difficulties of getting onto the sandy beach with pushchairs and toddlers in tow.
Dave has now set a £50,000 target in a bid to pay for the project which has been back by Sidmouth Town Council and East Devon District Council…
Project launched to build beach ramp, costing up to £50k, on Sidmouth beach | sidmouth.nub.news
Their Facebook pages have more:
Sidmouth Coastal Community Hub have kindly agreed to host this project and provide financial oversight. If anyone wishes to make a donation by cheque then please make payable to Sidmouth Coastal Community Hub and send to D Rafferty @ 9 Lymebourne Park Sidmouth EX10 9HX, or message me if you prefer using BACS transfer. The GoFundMe campaign links directly with SCCH bank account.
Great news in that NPS South West Ltd have confirmed their support for the ramp project. They are doing this as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility plan and this means that the survey and design work can go ahead straight away.
Also thanks go to Councillor Stuart Hughes who has confirmed he will give £1000 from his locality budget.
Keep spreading the word and encouraging donations as we still have a long way to go to cover construction costs.