Tomorrow sees the start of a series of events being put on by the Sidmouth Science Festival on the theme of ‘clean growth’ – with a first look at this from David Ralph, Chief Executive, Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership:
Café Scientifique: Clean Growth
And next month sees Prof Brian Golding continuing to look at “Our Fragile Earth” and “ways in which individuals can contribute to achieving a more sustainable world in the context of disappointingly slow political progress”:
Café Scientifique: Our Fragile Earth
Here’s the programme of events so far:
Sidmouth SCIENCE Festival
Clean Growth Project 2020
January, February and Beyond
What is clean growth and how do we achieve it?
All talks at Kennaway House
January 21st
3.00pm: Café Scientifique: David Ralph, Chief Executive, Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership, What is clean & inclusive growth and what does it mean for the area?
February 18th
3.00pm: Café Scientifique: Prof Brian Golding, Our Fragile Earth; So what do we do?
February 25th
3.00pm: Talk: Tom Powell, University of Exeter, Ecosystem Recovery
February 26th
1.00pm: Visit to Cranbrook Combined Heat and Power plant (CHP) See website for booking
7.30pm: Talk: Prof Evan Parker, New Thinking on Clean Growth
Art Competition displayed February 25th and 26th and judged by attendees
Short Story Competition judged by Penguin author Jane Corry concluded in February
March 17th
3.00pm: Café Scientifique: Nigel Dutt, Passive House Construction Project
Participants wanting to take part in a Focus Group building on the information from this project to suggest how to green up Sidmouth improving biodiversity and horticulture.
Young Enterprise Project at Sidmouth College themed on Clean Growth