Last week, the Town Council’s new Environment Committee met up for the third time:
Town Council Environment Committee
It’s already created its own policy document:
And it’s forging ahead with further initiatives, including the setting up of a working group, headed by the chair and vice-chair of the Committee, plus the lead of the Science Festival:
Implementation Working Group
Members considered the proposal of the Vice Chair, Councillor Chris Lockyear, that in order to help achieve and deliver some of the objectives of the Environment Committee, a small Working Group be convened which could draw on specialist knowledge and skills as necessary. It was agreed that focussing simpler more easily achievable objectives would be a sensible approach for Working Group initially
RESOLVED: that a Working Group consisting of Councillor Denise Bickley, Councillor Chris Lockyear and Dave Bramley be formed to initially focus on the following two initiatives:
• Encouraging the Public to adopt 10 things you can do to help reduce your impact on climate change.
• Provision of Car and Bicycle charge points in the area.
Meanwhile, in parallel, the Science Festival is holding a series of events: