Our vision is to become a carbon neutral council by 2040, working within a low carbon economy and lifestyle. This will be reflected in our travel, homes, businesses, visitor experiences and communities.The EDDC Climate Change Strategy 2020 – 2025 sets out an ambitious programme of action to not only reduce our carbon emissions year on year, but also to mitigate against the threats that climate change place on our communities. The strategy was developed following some research we carried out with the help of Exeter University to establish our current carbon footprint. This has provided a baseline for use to work from. You can find out more about this research here.Our 5 year action plan shows how we will address our key priorities and how we will measure our progress over the lifetime of the strategy. Use the links below to find out more.Action Plan Summary

5 Year Action plan (full)    As of April 2024 this document has disappeared from the EDDC website