Scores of job vacancies in the Sid Valley.

The BBC’s series on the world of work has regular pieces looking at the state of the employment market and how we perceive what we do with our working lives:
How we work – BBC Worklife
During the last week it’s covered several aspects of ‘the great resignation’:
The jobs employers just can’t fill – BBC Worklife
Why workers just won’t stop quitting – BBC Worklife
Staff are very much wanted in the Sid Valley:
These are in particular sectors:
“The care sector is desperately short of workers” – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Recruitment crisis in the hospitality industry – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Here are some possible reasons why it’s so difficult to attract staff:
Labour shortages: of declining wages and working conditions – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Key workers unable to find rental homes in Devon – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Finally, here’s more on the current phenomenon around work:
The ‘great resignation’ and the future of work – Vision Group for Sidmouth
The ‘great resignation’ may be here to stay – Vision Group for Sidmouth