“Rural areas are not on a level playing field with urban areas.”
“Those living in rural areas are feeling the burden of historic cost-of-living increases far more than their urban counterparts.”
“The reliance on Council Tax is grossly unfair on rural communities.”
It seems that rural areas continue to have it rougher.
Shropshire Star reports how a Shropshire MP has warned that rural areas are at risk of being left behind due to government “neglect” and a Levelling Up policy that does not benefit them
Rural areas are being failed by the Government – Rural Services Network
Helen Morgan, the North Shropshire MP and Lib Dem spokesman for Levelling Up, highlighted slow internet speeds, poor public transport and the NHS crisis as issues that need tackling if rural areas are to be on a level playing field with urban areas across the country.
Rural areas are being failed by the Government, MP Helen Morgan tells Commons | Shropshire Star
The affects of inflation may be felt by everyone, but new research shows that the depth of the impact varies widely, particularly for those living in rural areas who are feeling the burden of historic cost-of-living increases far more than their urban counterparts.
Rural Areas Hit Harder by Inflation Than Urban | PYMNTS.com

The Rural Services Network is dismayed with the Autumn Statement released today where the Chancellor set out plans to allow Councils to increase Council Tax by 5% in 2023/24. Although all Councils, including those serving rural areas, desperately need additional funding to enable them to provide essential services to support their communities and businesses the reliance on Council Tax is grossly unfair on rural communities.
Historic underfunding of rural local authorities, where urban areas get 41% more in Government Grant, has meant that rural residents are now paying, on average, 21% (£104.20) per head of population more in Council Tax than their urban counterparts.
RSN Autumn Statement Response – Reliance on Council Tax – Rural Services Network