“The proposal contravenes the Local Plan in that it does not conserve or
enhance the AONB and detracts from the landscape quality.”
Owners of holiday cottages in the Sid Valley want to expand – but many consider it inappropriate:
Unsustainable tourism in the Sid Valley? – Vision Group for Sidmouth
It’s on the front page of today’s Herald:
Residents raise concerns about planned caravan site | Sidmouth Herald
Going on to the planning application, there are 70 comments from members of the public to date:
None of the submissions support the application.
For example:
Hugely detrimental to the beautiful green valley from Sidford to Harcombe.
This will increase traffic, light pollution from the site, Sewage pollution.
There are enough caravanning sites in our area already.
Environmental damage from having to level pitches and putting in roads on a sloping site.
It is in the middle of open fields so it will stand out blatantly.
It is in the AONB which is surely should be treated as a special place where development is very tightly controlled.
We are relying on the council to protect our environment.
The Town Council’s planning committee agrees with this overwhelming voice:
• Members were concerned that the vehicular access for Caravans and vehicles was very
poor down a narrow single track country lane.
• Members did not feel that the sewage arrangements were adequate and were worried
that the excess would run off into the local rivers.
• The proposal contravenes strategy 46 of the Local Plan in that it does not conserve or
enhance the AONB and detracts from the landscape quality.
The application now goes to the planning authority who will decide: