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Unsustainable tourism in the Sid Valley?

  • by JW

“It is essential that rural businesses measure their carbon footprint and lead the way in reducing their emissions…”

… And consider “the overlap between wellness, experience and sustainability.”


This Wednesday, the Town Council’s planning cttee will be looking at a planning application:


It is for a camping and caravan park along the Snod Brook south of Harcombe:

22/2297/FUL | Change of use of land to camping and caravanning site for 16no. pitches for either caravans or campervans and separate area for camping; the widening and improvement of existing access and associated hardstanding and toilet/shower block. | Land North Of Boswell Farm Cottages Under Lane Sidmouth

The only objection received so far (yesterday, 28 October) raises concerns about ‘unsuitable access’; whereas the only consultee comment so far is from, Highways which does not have any objections.

However, considering the impact on such a rural area, there are questions about how ‘sustainable’ this type of tourism actually is.

Not many caravans on view here.

Savills have just produced two reports which the applicants might wish to consider:

Spotlight: Rural Tourism and Leisure

Sustainability and acting in an environmentally responsible way continue to be growing trends among both consumers and the tourism industry as a whole

In this publication, we look at Savills updated Rural Vibrancy Index and show how large tourist attractions are tackling sustainable transport; simultaneously reducing their carbon emissions, while making it easier and cheaper for visitors to get to them. We also provide some insight on the overlap between wellness, experience and sustainability, and the cost of living crisis. We highlight the bicycle to give rural businesses some inspiration for low-cost, high-enjoyment ideas to welcome visitors to the countryside.

Savills UK | Spotlight: Rural Tourism and Leisure – October 2022

Greening your business

To meet the government’s net zero target, it is essential that rural businesses measure their carbon footprint and lead the way in reducing their GHG emissions

Decarbonisation starts with understanding your carbon footprint. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP), see below, is a tool for rural estates to do just that. Much of an estate’s carbon footprint is determined by land use and livestock numbers. However, diversified businesses will have their own range of impacts – from cleaning products to staff transport. The GHGP can be used to measure the carbon footprint of an estate’s diversified operations as well as its core land use.

Savills UK | Greening your business