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Vertical gardens and green facades

  • by JW

Growing up: how to create an urban garden.


Most of us are lucky enough to have access to a garden in the Sid Valley – and to do a bit of gardening:

The balm of gardening and being in nature


Here’s a slightly off-the-wall idea – something we can do at home to some degree, but also something for planners to consider.

They can even save energy:


Creating Vertical Gardens and Green Facades with Steel Cables

Forests, vegetable gardens, and vertical gardens have aroused much interest and figured into a variety of different innovative proposals…

Vertical vegetation works as more than just an aesthetic adornment. Plants block a part of the solar radiation that hits a building’s surfaces, making indoor spaces cooler and reducing the need for air conditioners. This measure can save electrical energy by 30% due to evaporative cooling and shading…

But a very simple way to grow an urban garden is to use climbing plants with metal grids and cables where the plants cling to and grow, creating a vertical vegetation cover. The design is quite simple…

Creating Vertical Gardens and Green Facades with Steel Cables |

File:Green Wall Sentier Claye-Souilly 24.jpg – Wikimedia Commons


Perhaps something for the new Alma Bridge or even the balconies of the Drill Hall:

FIRST LOOK: Rockfish reveals £1m vision for Sidmouth Drill Hall |


The trouble is, covering a building in greenery might be about covering a not very attractive building:

Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: PegasusLife proposals >>> Where is the innovative, sympathetic, green design?


See also:

Futures Forum: Vertical forests… vertical gardens…

“A city is not a park” @ Radio 3 > “What would change, psychologically, socially, emotionally, if we covered the concrete and brickwork of our towns and cities with vines, plants and vertical gardens?”

Futures Forum: Vertical farming

Futures Forum: Vertical farming > “the most technically advanced indoor farm in the world” unveiled

Futures Forum: Restaurant with vertical farm opens in Bristol