… to protect people and the countryside
People are being asked by the police to act responsibly when on holiday or out on a hike, as reported in the Nub News:
Visitors to Sidmouth and local residents alike are being reminded to take their rubbish home with them and respect social distancing rules in an effort to protect East Devon and the wider county for everyone.
Devon Live puts it more directly:
Stern message for staycation tourists and locals in Devon and Cornwall – Devon Live
As it’s been pretty bad in some parts of the County:
Dartmoor camping ban over ‘littering, human waste and fires’ – BBC News
Meanwhile, local campaigns are ratcheting up – for example:
Plastic Free North Devon (PFND) has launched a new anti-litter campaign called ‘Don’t even think about it’.
Anti-litter campaign makes people think about purchases | InYourArea Community
Exmouth has been busy (see photo)
Clean Beach Exmouth public group | Facebook
The Sidmouth Plastic Warriors have been doing their bit too:
Litter on the beach – Vision Group for Sidmouth
And Plastic Free Sidmouth is looking to relaunch:
Sidmouth Plastic Warriors – Doing everything in our power to get Sidmouth single-use-plastic-free
Sidmouth Plastic Warriors public group | Facebook
Watch this space…