to inform, signpost and re-skill Exmouth’s population
A great project is being planned in Exmouth – as outlined in the latest newsletter from Transition Exmouth:
ECO HUB for Exmouth – latest update
Transition Exmouth has put in a bid to the Climate Action Lottery Fund, the first funding application towards our Eco Hub, exciting times.
Our vision is of a vibrant, thriving Eco-hub for Exmouth and the surrounding area. Our Eco-hub would be a converted existing building in the centre of the town, fully accessible to our whole community, with staff and a team of volunteers equipped to inform, signpost and re-skill Exmouth’s population.
The Eco-hub will pull together all the amazing groups that already work in this town and help them maximise what they already do, as well as bringing in new highly-skilled staff to push projects on to the next level.
The Eco-hub will be a home for physical activities, such as skill-share groups, zero-carbon-living workshops, grow-your-own demos, healthy living advice, bike repairs, arts-based workshops and a Library of Things.
Alongside this, we see the Eco-hub as the centre from which our outreach team of project co-ordinators will work.
These could include
Buildings Coordinator, Travel Coordinator, Education Coordinator, Marine and Green Tourism, a Hub Manager and Demonstration Town Co-ordinator.
The idea of an eco centre was the most popular suggestion at Our Exmouth Our Planet, coming up in every workgroup.