“The place to encourage such businesses?” [VGS]
Should there be an ice-cream van on the Ham over the summer?
That’s the question the Trustees of the Ham will be addressing when they consider an application at tomorrow’s town council meeting: Trustee Meeting (12 Jun 2023) – Sidmouth Town Council
The agenda for the meeting provides not only the application but the full supporting statement from the applicant: Agenda-TRST-120623.pdf

One question is whether or not it would be welcome to have an ice-cream van on the Ham during the summer holidays.
On the one hand, there is increasing concern about feeding, in particular, our children with fat and sugar: UK food giant calls for higher fat, sugar and salt taxes | Food | The Guardian
On the other, there is the charm of having a tuktuk on the Ham – and owned by a young entrepreneur – which also graces regular events at Kennaway House: (20+) Facebook
However, the main question is whether or not this is against the spirit and law of the Ham Covenant: Ham conveyance March 1896 – Sidmouth Drill Hall Research Site
Here are the last points taken from the submission by the VGS to the Trustees:
Throughout the consideration of how to regenerate the Eastern Town, the STC – and in particular the Trustees – has shown great sensitivity with regard to the status of the Ham. This application contravenes the the Ham Covenant in that it is clearly primarily “a place of recreation” – and as such should be rejected.
As a final comment, the Vanillibean business and its tuktuk are clearly a welcome part of the Sidmouth business environment: its regular appearance at various Kennaway House events adds to the colour and charm of the place; the success of a business run by a young entrepreneur is also to be welcomed; and the Sid Valley clearly wishes to be seen as a business-friendly area.
The Ham, however, is not the place to encourage such unique vibrant businesses; in conclusion, therefore, the VGS would wish the business continued success, but would urge the Trustees to reject this application.