“A fabulous idea. Well done to those who made it happen!” [comment @ Sidmouth Plastic Warriors]
In a great collaborative project, a new piece of street furniture has appeared – to encourage residents and visitors to recycle their beach toys. Initiated by the Sidmouth Plastic Warriors, the town council’s environment committee were approached – and they have agreed to fund the ‘beach toy library’:
Environment Committee – Sidmouth Town Council
Other bodies have since been brought in – including the Sidmouth Repair Café and the Sidmouth Coastal Community Hub who have done the painting and artwork – and the district council’s Streetscene who have installed it:
New beach toy library installed on Sidmouth seafront | Local News | News | Sidmouth Nub News
With lots more from the Plastic Warriors’ social media pages from the last couple of days:
Huge thanks to Dave and Coco for painting it, Sidmouth Town Council for paying for it, and EDDC Streetscene for moving and installing it… Now to fill it…if you have any beach toys you no longer want, or see any in charity shops/recycling centres, please pop them in there. Equally, if you are passing and see anything broken, or any rubbish in there, please fish it out and help keep it lovely
Sidmouth Plastic Warriors | Look how pretty it is
We are just about ready to get our beautiful new beach toy library installed, and we need some buckets and spade etc to go in it! If you have anything that is useable, but no longer needed by your children/grandchildren, could we have them?
Sidmouth Plastic Warriors | Dear lovely warriors – I am on the scrounge | Facebook

Witnessed some lovely activity and exchanges going on yesterday evening when the tide was right out. A few kids (1!3 adults) returning items or donating and others borrowing with glee. A fabulous idea. Well done to those who made it happen