“From the comfort of our sofas, it’s a giant footprint and a major waste category that many of us are barely aware of. And with diminishing quality feeding our throwaway mindset, are we beginning to get stuck in a perpetual cycle?” [The Fast Furniture Fix: BBC Radio 4]
It was back in 1999 when the iconic Fight Club took us into Ikealand:
The IKEA Nesting Instinct – YouTube
The Ikea nesting instinct continued with Spike Jonze a couple of years later:
And here we are now, stuck with fast furniture:
I’ll actually start this video by pointing towards some of the good initiatives put forward by Ikea in recent years – before we get into the dirty stuff...
Why I don’t shop at IKEA // the impact of fast furniture
IS IKEA ACTUALLY SUSTAINABLE ? // the impact of fast furniture – YouTube
It’s the subject of a documentary on Radio 4 this evening:
Fair fashion campaigner and influencer Venetia La Manna sets out to discover how the ways we produce, consume and value furniture have transformed over recent decades, and what that means for our homes and the planet. From the comfort of our sofas, it’s a giant footprint and a major waste category that many of us are barely aware of. And with diminishing quality feeding our throwaway mindset, are we beginning to get stuck in a perpetual cycle?
The Fast Furniture Fix – BBC Sounds
Other fast furniture is available:
A Billy bookcase is made every three seconds. But with a third of people admitting to throwing away furniture that they could have sold or donated, does the cheap furniture boom have a heavy environmental price?
It’s an international waste problem:
How Cheap ‘Fast Furniture’ Could Soon Clog Landfills – The New York Times
It’s a design and lifestyle problem:
The Fast Furniture Problem | Architectural Digest
It’s a climate emergency problem:
Fast Furniture Is Ruining Our Climate Change Agenda | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson
There are solutions:

Fast-furniture startup, Woodsy, gets a kick start | Woodworking Network
How to Sustainably Get Rid of Furniture and Prevent Clogging Landfills
eBay UK Launches ‘Better Than New Homeware’ Hub
A study reveals people should upgrade from ‘fast furniture’ by age 28
I went to a furniture-only charity shop and here’s what I found – Liverpool Echo