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Children-friendly streets

  • by JW

10 Actions to Improve Streets for Children


A lot of the proposals from during and after lockdown would make our streets a lot safer:

New cycle lanes and wider pavements: ‘pop-ups’ for Devon – Vision Group for Sidmouth

New cycle lanes and wider pavements: promoted in Devon – Vision Group for Sidmouth


Here are some ideas on how to really make our streets safer – from the Arch Daily:


10 Actions to Improve Streets for Children

Last week, the Global Designing Cities Initiative (GDCI) released Designing Streets for Kids to set a new global baseline for designing urban streets. Designing Streets for Kids builds upon the approach of putting people first, with a focus on the specific needs of babies, children, and their caregivers as pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users in urban streets around the world.

Traffic crashes kill 1.35 million people every year and they are the leading cause of death for young people ages 5-29. Traffic congestion and vehicle designs can also contribute to dangerously high levels of air pollution, which is responsible for the death of 127,000 children under the age of five each year. Many of these fatalities are preventable, and these numbers can be dramatically reduced through kid-friendly street design.

Adapted from Designing Streets for Kids, here are 10 actions that city leaders, transit agencies, and urban practitioners can take to address the challenges facing children and their caregivers— now and throughout the process of improving or redesigning urban streets.

10 Actions to Improve Streets for Children | ArchDaily


photo: bicycle, safety, helmet, child, boy, safe, accident, prevent, prevention, cycle, cycling | Pikist