This week, district councils were pushing the agenda on climate change:
Mid Devon declares climate emergency > going carbon-free by 2030
This follows action by the county council:
Devon takes action over climate emergency
Devon Climate Emergency Response Group
The Devon Climate Emergency Response Group (DCERG) is made up of senior officers of about 25 organisations including councils, emergency services, businesses and voluntary organisations and has been established to provide the strategic coordination of a collaborative response to the Devon Climate Emergency response.
A net-zero carbon Devon, with its environment and communities resilient to the effects of inevitable climate change. Net-zero means that the balance of carbon sinks and emissions in any one year will be zero.
The scope extends across all carbon-emitting activity in Devon (including production and consumption emissions), and climate-related risks to its communities. This includes all those people who live, work in and visit our county, and those businesses who are based or operate in Devon.
New task force will make Devon’s plan to tackle climate change
A mission to ensure that Devon plays its part in saving the world from climate change was launched this week.
The group has now given their backing for a Net Zero Task Force to be appointed to develop the plan. This task force will consist of 12 people with expertise in areas relevant to carbon reduction – drawing them from economic, environmental, health and academic organisations – and will be chaired by a leading climate expert…
Options drawn up by the Task Force will be tested and refined at a series of citizens’ assembly meetings, which will be scheduled to take place next Spring, in order to help inform the content of the plan. A full public consultation will then be held on the draft plan, with the aim of the Devon Climate Emergency Response Group adopting the final plan by the end of 2020…
New task force will make Devon’s plan to tackle climate change