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Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership to be wound up

  • by JW

The Exeter Observer reports


More news from the Exeter Observer’s latest newsletter:

The government has confirmed that the HEART OF THE SOUTH WEST LOCAL ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIP will be wound up alongside the other 35 LEPs that were created in 2011, following the abolition of regional development agencies, to drive regional economic development via infrastructure development and skills training. Its assets and functions are to be transferred to Devon County Council, or a new Devon combined authority should current negotiations result in one, from April next year.

The investigative journal which is the Exeter Observer tends to report on stories which the local authorities would rather were ignored – and so there is not a peep of this on the HOTSW website, the HOTSW social media or anywhere else online – apart from the key links provided by the Exeter Observer above.

It still leaves open other initiatives, such as the ‘Western Gateway’, but the picture is far from clear…