“VIEW NOT SHOWN” [Peter Nasmyth]
The closing dates for making comments is this Friday the 21st April
We have been looking at the new application for the Knowle on these pages recently, drawing from documents on the EDDC website and from the comments of Sidmouth locals: Knowle planning application: points raised part one – Vision Group for Sidmouth and Knowle planning application: points raised part two – Vision Group for Sidmouth and Knowle planning application: focus on (lack of) care provision – Vision Group for Sidmouth and Knowle planning application: points raised part three – Vision Group for Sidmouth
We have also written much about the Knowle and its planning applications over the years, as this search of the website shows: You searched for Knowle – Vision Group for Sidmouth
As is usual with applications from developers there is a large amount of misdirection. Amongst other things, they claim that the development would not be visible from around the town and environs because of the tree cover. Many people think otherwise. Here is a mock-up from Peter Nasmyth of how he thinks it would look.
Below is a general indication of where the above photos were viewed from.
Planning application images
In many places the images in the application are misleading, for example this image from Salcombe Hill.
The explanation with it says it should be viewed at A3 from a distance of 467 mm ( that is 18 inches), yet the image is in an A4 document and doesn’t take up all of the available space on that page. There is a wide margin. So the image appears much smaller than it would in real life.
A 14 inch computer screen is the same size as an A4 piece of paper ( depending on its aspect ratio). So to view the image as intended it would need to be set at 200% zoom.
Added to that this base photograph was taken on a very hazy, cloudy day so the view of the more distant building’s impact on the landscape is minimised.
Below is the image when it has been run through a simple dehazing process in photographic software.
The photo below attempts to compensate for the size of image seen on a computer screen and has been run through a simple dehazing process in photographic software.
One image that they have provided shows the huge impact of the proposed building from the terraced garden.
You can find other images at knowle | Search Results | Save Our Sidmouth though you may have to work backwards to find them.