“… focuses on the specific issues of Affordable Housing and Balanced Communities – with particular reference to both the East Devon Local Plan and the Sid Valley Neighbourhood Plan.”
Tomorrow is the last day to comment on the latest plans for Knowle:
There have been many solid submissions made over the last month:
Knowle planning application: points raised part one – Vision Group for Sidmouth and Knowle planning application: points raised part two – Vision Group for Sidmouth and Knowle planning application: focus on (lack of) care provision – Vision Group for Sidmouth and Knowle planning application: points raised part three – Vision Group for Sidmouth and Knowle planning application: Can you see the Knowle development? – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Here’s the submission just made by the VGS:
The following submission from the Vision Group for Sidmouth to the planning application 23/0571/MFUL will focus on the specific issues of Affordable Housing and Balanced Communities – with particular reference to both the East Devon Local Plan and the Sid Valley Neighbourhood Plan.
With a final look at the developer’s plans here: