“Reasons to Object to the McCarthy Stone plans for Knowle”
“The deadline for comments 21 April still applies, despite the fire – quoting p.a. 23/0571/MFUL“
The news last week was the fire at Knowle: BREAKING: Knowle gutted by fire – Vision Group for Sidmouth
With the police now seeming to confirm the rumours that it was arson: Knowle fire in Sidmouth is being treated as arson | Sidmouth Herald
The news two weeks ago was the latest application at Knowle – to demolish the current building and build anew: BREAKING: Knowle: new planning application – Vision Group for Sidmouth
This is from the developer’s website:

Our Approach to Design – McCarthy Stone – Sidmouth
The VGS is not a campaigning or lobby group – and instead tries to collect and present ‘both sides of the argument’.
However, when it comes to the Knowle project, because alternatives to the ‘official side’ are not so readily available, over the coming weeks these news pages will provide a space for discussion of both the details and the wider issues being presented by the applicant.
Knowle planning application: points raised part one
Local resident Mike Temple has been carefully watching the various planning applications presented over the years, providing information and argumentation each time. Here he presents the first in a series of points: Reasons to Object to the McCarthy Stone plans for Knowle – Mike Temple April 23
With a reminder: the deadline for comments 21 April still applies, despite the fire – quoting p.a. 23/0571/MFUL
Earlier comment on the proposals include The Knowle in 2022
There are many other VGS articles on planning applications concerning the Knowle, just search for Knowle using the search icon on the navigation bar, or use this link