“The proposal for two large apartment blocks of such mass and height represented overdevelopment.” [Sidmouth Town Council]
There are growing concerns about the proposed development at Knowle: Sidmouth Community | What do you think of plans for Knowle | Facebook
Here’s a list of bullet points: Knowle planning application: points raised part one – Vision Group for Sidmouth
To comment, just enter 23/0571/MFUL here: Simple Search
And several comments have already been made – including from the Town Council:
Members were UNABLE TO SUPPORT parts (a,b and c) for the following reasons:
* It was felt that the proposal for two large apartment blocks of such mass and height represented overdevelopment of the site resulting in a generally overbearing appearance from all directions and overlooking of the adjacent properties on Knowle Drive to the south and west.
‘ The two large apartment blocks have been extended southwards slightly (relative to the previous plans) into the next lower terrace of the gardens, resulting in their being closer to the Grade 2 Listed Summer House and creating a 5-storey, over-facing and imposing cliff face view from the gardens and public paths to the south.
‘ Much of site is on high ground and is visible from many parts of the town and valley particularly from the East. The mass, height and colour of the larger buildings meant they would be too prominent and out of keeping and detrimental to the valley and surrounding landscape.
‘ Members were aware that there were considerable numbers of units, similar to those being offered, remaining unsold/ unoccupied in the town, and considered that the development did not reflect the right balance of priorities for Sidmouth’s housing needs.
‘ There appears to be no residential provision for the staff needs of the site; Sidmouth and the surrounding settlements already lacked suitable accommodation needed for care and hospitality staff.
Also from the Conservation Officer:
Conclusion: The Inspector concluded that there would be no harm to the significance of the heritage asset, and its setting preserved. However, this revised proposal moves close to the Summerhouse and the presence of additional development south of the existing building line of the Knowle is of some concern.
The comments from members of the public have been balanced in terms of support or objection – with the Sid Vale Association taking a ‘neutral’ stance: 23/0571/MFUL | Redevelopment of site...
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