“I love the combination of monumental art and nature.”
Next Tuesday 14th sees the Vision Group for Sidmouth’s AGM 2023 taking place at the Dissenter’s Hall at 7pm – immediately followed by the launch of the Cherishing Sidmouth Cemeteries group.
There’s been quite a bit of activity, input and response since the launch was announced at the beginning of the week.
We’ve had a fair bit of interest on social media – and there have been meetings to look at the overall policy on managing sites such as cemeteries throughout the Sid Valley.
Contact has been made with other ‘friends’ groups such as the Friends of the Byes and the Friends of Higher Brook Meadow Green – groups which, together with the Friends of Glen Goyle, are already working closely with the District Council. There should be lots of synergies there to develop!
And in the meantime we’ve got in touch with all sorts of ‘key stakeholders’ and other interested folk.
A new website is being put together – which will provide updates, blogs, documentation and other useful bits of information – including photography. And there have been some beautiful shots made over the years.
We are very grateful to Kate Tobin who has shared her photos of Sidmouth Cemetery, taken in the last couple of years. Here is just something for now – until the complete collection is put online at the new CSC website – a brilliant picture of the memorial angel looking down on the ox-eye daisies:
As Kate has said about the Sidmouth Cemetery: “I love the combination of monumental art and nature.”
With a big thanks to Kate for sharing!