Can you help?
Sharing food in Sidmouth which would otherwise be thrown away.
Using the Olio app to connect food and people.
There are some great projects out there to help reduce food waste:
Food waste – Vision Group for Sidmouth.
The County Council has carried out a few itself:
Food Waste – “the cutting edge” – conference – Vision Group for Sidmouth
With another example from just before lockdown:
Learn to cook and help save the planet! – Exeter City Council News
Meanwhile, an innovative app is being used to reduce food waste:
Share more.
Waste less.
We connect neighbours with each other and Food Waste Hero volunteers with local businesses, to share food (and other things) rather than chuck them away.
Sharing is fast, free and friendly!
OLIO – Share more. Waste less.
And Sidmouth now has its own Food Waste Hero, as reported in the Herald:
Could you be Sidmouth’s next ‘food waste hero’?
Neil Cole has been taking part in the Food Waste Hero programme, collecting food fast approaching its use-by date from the Seaton branch of Tesco and taking it to his home.
Using an online app called Olio, he lists the items he has available, and people can arrange a time to collect them the following day.
He is currently picking up food from the supermarket twice a week, and has up to 12 people receiving it free of charge on each collection day. Mr Cole, who normally works full-time as a project manager, found his job had been put on hold during lockdown.
Mr Cole has been pleased to help the scheme during lockdown, but is expecting to return to work soon, and hopes someone else will step in.
Visit the Olio website for further information on the programme, and for opportunities to give away or receive unwanted food.
How to become Sidmouth’s ‘food waste hero’ through Olio app | Sidmouth Herald