Greenscreen Project aims to recover shoreline plastic rubbish and turns it into roller blind fabric.
Plastic pollution is getting worse:
Coronavirus and plastic pollution – Vision Group for Sidmouth
So, we need some innovative ways to deal with it:
Broad reaching and bold thinking to deal with plastic waste – Vision Group for Sidmouth
One company has come up with a solution – and in this promotional video, it also looks at the problem of plastic pollution at sea very clearly and succinctly:
Greenscreen Project aims to recover shoreline plastic rubbish and turns it into roller blind fabric.
From Ocean plastic to Greenscreen Sea Tex Roller Blind Fabric – YouTube
With more info here:
Greenscreen Sea-Tex Sustainable Roller Blinds – Recycled Plastic Fabric
The Greenscreen Sea-Tex fabric range is made from recovered shoreline plastic.
Recycling programs are occurring throughout the world as we speak, sorting and processing recovered plastics from beaches, remote coastlines, inland waterways and the surrounding local communities. Turning ocean plastic into fabric is both inspiring and environmentally friendly.