The VGS will be putting on a hustings event later this month: here’s the press release:
At the end of the month, the Vision Group for Sidmouth will be putting on a ‘meet the candidates’ event in the run-up to the District and Town Council elections.
It will take the form of a ‘speed-dating’ format, in which candidates will be seated at tables around the hall and voters will be encouraged to hop from one table to the next, putting their questions to each candidate in their ward.
All the candidates for both the Town and District councils have been invited and will be available for questions from the public on a one-to-one basis.
Those standing for the Town Council will take up position for the first hour, followed by those standing for the District Council during the second hour.
The full list of street addresses for each ward will be available so that attendees can see which ward they are in and so which candidates they can question. [See below for links]
The evening will be moderated by the Vision Group, who have been putting on hustings events for elections since the group was founded back in 2005.
The event will kick off at 7pm and finish at about 9pm, on Tuesday 30th April.
It will be held at St Teresa’s Hall on Connaught Road and will be open to all.
Local elections HUSTINGS
With more here: