A traffic management scheme for Sidmouth?
A round table would discuss ‘all the issues’.
Over the past weeks, schemes have been put into effect to help manage thoroughfares, anticipating the easing of lockdown:
New cycle lanes and wider pavements: ‘pop-ups’ for Devon – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Part-pedestrianisation for Sidmouth town centre – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Over the past years, there have been several proposals for a comprehensive scheme…
In the original VGS report, traffic was a key issue:
vision_group_report_v4.pdf (2006)
And several times since then it has been examined very closely:
2008 Transport – Vision Group for Sidmouth (2008)
Futures Forum: Traffic Management Plan for Sidmouth: looking for ‘low cost, quick win’ solutions (2015)
Traffic and Transport – Vision Group for Sidmouth (2018)
This has been regularly reported in the Herald:
Sidmouth traffic “horrendous” Vision Group hears | Sidmouth Herald ((2010)
Vision group’s Sidmouth traffic survey offer | Sidmouth Herald (2011)
Traffic plan underway ‘very shortly’ for Sidmouth | Sidmouth Herald (2016)
Last year, specific issues were discussed:
Sidmouth Park-and-Ride not in the plans – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Rejuvenating our streets – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Also last year, the latest large-scale proposals for managing traffic were laid out in the Neighbourhood Plan:
And at the informal virtual meeting of the Town Council on 11th May, it was agreed that a ’round table’ would be organised, at which ‘all the issues’ could be discussed – hoping it will be good for Sidmouth and it’s economy post COVID19:
Town Council Meetings – Sidmouth Town Council
Meanwhile, Ottery started looking at creating its own traffic management plan over a year ago:
A vision for Ottery’s traffic and transport – Vision Group for Sidmouth
And now its town council is taking this forward:
Better traffic management, more cycle paths and ‘green’ transport proposed for Ottery
New speed limits, better traffic management and a network of cycle paths are being proposed in Ottery St Mary.
At the town council’s meeting on Monday, June 15, several ideas arose from a report on ways to introduce more ‘shared pathways’ for walkers and cyclists and widen some pavements, to create space for social distancing.
The report, compiled by Cllr Dean Stewart, included recommendations from Ottery’s Climate Action Report and ideas from members of the public and other councillors.
As its contents were discussed, councillors came up with a raft of other proposals including ideas for better traffic management in the town centre, an electric bus and moves to encourage car-sharing.
New measures to benefit pedestrians and cyclists in Ottery St Mary | Sidmouth Herald