“renewed interest and passion shown for cycling”
2022 looks to be a year when things should be happening on the cycling front in the Sid Valley
The two big stories of the year in these parts have been the announcement of the finalised cycle route between Sidford and Sidmouth:
Sidford to Sidbury Cycle/Footpath gets go-ahead | visionforsidmouth.org.uk
And the big increase in interest in e-bikes – particularly cargo bikes:
Electric cargo bikes are the future | visionforsidmouth.org.uk
At the end of the year, the VGS held its AGM – at which there was renewed interest and passion shown for cycling:

MINUTES for the AGM of the Vision Group for Sidmouth -Thursday 9th December 2021
With the annual cycling report duly given:
Cycling in Sidmouth – report for 2021 VGS AGM – Michael Britain – 9 December 2021
Meanwhile, the cycling pages on the VGS website have been updated:
Cycling in Sidmouth | visionforsidmouth.org.uk
Including quite an archive of articles:
Cycling Archive | visionforsidmouth.org.uk
2022 looks to be a year when things should be happening on the cycling front in the Sid Valley: watch this space…