” It’s going to provide a safe link.”
“This section was always going to prove difficult with land negotiations taking considerable amount of time.”
The County Council has just brought out a film to “celebrate the hard work of Devon’s transport sector to decarbonise Devon’s transport”:
A short film giving an overview of ways that we’re working with our partners to help to decarbonise transport in the county and encourage active travel has been published as part of Cop26. ‘Decarbonising Devon’ is one of a series of films commissioned which will tell a series of regional ‘carbon stories’ during and in the wake of Cop26 – the aim is to showcase examples of sustainable action from across the country. This video celebrates the hard work of Devon’s transport sector to decarbonise Devon’s transport and included are projects to encourage cycling and active travel, multi-use trails, improvements bus and train services and the roll-out of EV charging points…
Decarbonising Transport in Devon – YouTube
Decarbonising Transport in Devon film ‘aims to inspire’ UK as part of COP26 legacy – News
A central part of this way forward is cycling.
In the Sid Valley, there are two projects underway:
Pushing for the Sidmouth-Ottery-Feniton cycle path – Vision Group for Sidmouth
2014 Cycling: Sustrans publishes Sidmouth to Feniton study – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Futures Forum: Campaigning for a safe cycle path for Sidford to Sidbury (2016)
Sidmouth cycle paths: when and how much? – Vision Group for Sidmouth (2019)

In April this year, the Sid Valley’s county councillor (and head of highways) Cllr Stuart Hughes announced some progress on the Sidfort to Sidbury route:
Having secured the funding for redesigning of Phase 1 of the Sidford to Sidbury Cycle/Footpath … I’m pleased to advise that this is almost ready to go to the planning stage and hopefully with no hiccups work will commence later this financial year 21/22. This section was always going to prove difficult with land negotiations taking considerable amount of time with the wooded section of the original route to the east of the A375 proving a sticking point during talks. Design work is also ongoing for Phase 2 which will take the Multi use path to the centre of Sidbury.
Sidford to Sidbury Cycle Footpath Phase 1
And this week, the details of that Phase 2 have been announced:
Foot and cycle path plans for Sidbury to Sidford agreed by council
Councillor Stuart Hughes (Conservative, Sidmouth), cabinet member for highway management, said: “It’s really exciting. People say all good things come to those who wait and it’s taken quite a time. I think what we’ve got here is a great scheme. It’s going to provide a safe link between Sidford and Sidbury and vice versa. It’s a good news story and I think the people of Sidbury and Sidford will welcome it.”
Cllr Hughes wants to see if a parallel crossing, which is similar to a zebra crossing, for the path at the A375 could be upgraded to a toucan crossing controlled by traffic lights.
Sidmouth: Foot and cycle path plans for Sidbury to Sidford agreed by council | sidmouth.nub.news
Progress for Sidford – Sidbury cycle path as highways chiefs agree strategy
The final strategy was approved by East Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee (HATOC) on 12th November – with the full report here: