Sidmouth Coronavirus Community Lifelines
These news pages have offered pointers of where to go for help and advice:
Financial help and resilience: a guide for all
And there have been pleas for help too:
Sid Valley Food Bank appeals for more supplies
The Herald is providing a huge service by pointing to where help is being offered:
Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help says Sidmouth Town Council chairman
East Devon coronavirus community hotline launched
Sidmouth Coronavirus Community Lifelines – points of help in the crisis
And it’s also a special service ‘There WIth You’:
There with you: Sid Valley charities urge people in need to come forward
The Sidmouth Nub News is also providing a service to the community with key information:
Council tax support made simpler for Sidmouth people in need |
Sidmouth residents encouraged to use new Coronavirus Hotline |
Sidmouth teachers work over Easter Holiday to support children of key workers |
And if we want the Herald and other local newspapers to be around for us after the crisis, we need to support them:
Why we’re asking for your support to build a sustainable future for the Sidmouth Herald