A list of support and services from local groups, councils and businesses.
Here’s a handy guide on how to organise locally:
Welcome to Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK
Much of this has already been set up in Sidmouth on an official level, with lots of vital information on websites:
Businesses, employers and employees | eastdevon.gov
But much of the help on the ground has been coordinated by local volunteer groups:
With a real show of mutual support, as covered on the VGS news pages this last week:
Day One: social solidarity in Sidmouth
Support your local pub! Enjoy a take-away!
Sidmouth businesses providing more services
Here are this weekend’s stories from the local press showing what sort of help there is:
There with you: A list if community lifelines in Sidmouth | sidmouthherald.co.uk
Funding available for Sidmouth Coronavirus support groups | sidmouth.nub.news
‘Your NHS Needs You’ – RD&E calls for volunteers from Sidmouth | sidmouth.nub.news
Share your coronavirus support service over the airwaves in Sidmouth | eastdevonnews.co.uk
With a lot of mutual support on the Sidmouth Community Facebook pages: