Here we go again! Last time the developers appealed they won because EDDC didn’t fight strongly and get everything in early enough, so let’s hope things go better this time round.
Of course, with the new Labour Government saying they are going to free up planning rules we may have this development foisted on us no matter how much it doesn’t fit in with the Neighbourhood Plan, how much it will stand out when viewed from the South West Coastal Path, how much it overlooks neighbours, or how much it will skew Sidmouth’s age demographic even further putting increased pressure on all sort of survices who are current struggling with demand.
Our Doctors’ Surgery is under pressure, as are our Dentists and Home Care businesses. There are so many reasons that building a retirement complex is a bad idea for Sidmouth. We need homes for people of working age, affordable homes which will keep Sidmouth thriving, and yes ( whisper it quietly) perhaps more accommodation for tourists.
If you haven’t looked at their plans, and would like to, the reference is 23/0571/MFUL and this is the link
The link also allows you to read the comments people and consultees ( including the NHS) have made, as well as what EDDC Planning has said. You can see from the report placed before the Planning Committee that the Planning Officers recommended approval but the Cllrs were not impressed. They said :-
Refused contrary to officer recommendation for the following reasons:
1. The scale, massing and design of the development, in particular the two blocks closest to the southern site boundary, fails to reflect local distinctiveness and is not compatible with the character of the area and does not relate well to its context and its surroundings and so will adversely affect the townscape and local landscape of Sidmouth. As such the development is contrary to Strategies 6 and 26 and Policy D1 of the East Devon Local Plan 2013-2031, Policy 7 of the Sid Valley Neighbourhood Plan 2018-2032 and the National Planning Policy Framework, 2023 in particular paragraphs 131, 135 and 139.
2. Having regards to large windows in the west elevation of the southwestern block of accommodation and the buildings scale and orientation, the development will result in an unacceptable level of overlooking and overbearing impact on neighbouring properties. As such the development is contrary to Policy D1 of the East Devon Local Plan 2013-2031, Policy 6 of the Sid Valley Neighbourhood Plan 2018-2032 and the National Planning Policy Framework in particular paragraph 135.
Spot the difference, taken from their Design and Access Statement Addendum March 2024.
If you want to make a comment to the Planning Inspectorate you can do so before 13th August 2024 to either or in writing to Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN, quoting the appeal reference. Below is a copy of the notification we received.