There’s been quite a reaction to the prospect of a higher sea wall – both on-line and showing what it might look like:
Raising the splash wall on Sidmouth’s Esplanade
Raising the splash wall on Sidmouth’s Esplanade: reaction
Raising the splash wall on Sidmouth’s Esplanade: debate
The Vision Group website has further photo-montages of the proposed sea wall:
Raising the splash wall on Sidmouth’s Esplanade: website info
And now a petition has just been launched, as reported by the Sidmouth News hub:
A petition, started by local man Paul Foster, is calling for residents to demand an alternative to the raising of the sea wall. The online petition states: “The raising of the wall will destroy the openness and beauty of the seafront view, whereas correctly positioned rock armour along the vertical face of the Esplanade will absorb the wave energy and reduce the splash over.”
“Please make your voice heard and say no to the raising of the Esplanade splash wall and demand proper wave dampening rock armour along the Esplanade face instead.”
Design details of the raised splash wall, which a number of councillors have expressed concerns over, will be the subject of further work involving the Sidmouth Beach Management Scheme Steering Group. East Devon District Council currently anticipates that the wall will need to be at least one metre above the promenade to contain wave overtopping.
Petition launched to ‘Say No’ to raised sea wall in Sidmouth | Sidmouth Nub news
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